Stay EPIC! Stay You! Flowers for the Meek! and God is Love T-shirts!

Stay EPIC! Stay You! Flowers for the Meek! and God is Love T-shirts!

Hello beautiful people! I had my last podcast for the season last week. I am a little sad to be honest. I really enjoyed trying out podcasting. I am not sure when I will be back. I will try in a month or 2. Given my work schedule, it is going to be a little tough to balance all of the self-employed activities. I have thought about doing shorter talks of 10 to 15 minutes a few times a week. I am still trying to figure it out. Please pray for me as I am so trying to find ways to make this store and my other ventures full time. I love writing but want to do my own things. Prayerfully, I can get myself to the point to do writing on a contract basis again in about a year or 2 so I can focus more on my businesses.

Last week, I gave flowers to the meek! The meek shall inherit the earth! Meek is not is a movement. Meek is strong. Meek is fearless. Meek is courageous. Meek is intelligent. Meek is self sacrificing. Meek is a lot of things. Some of us are letter writers for a great cause. Some of us petition. Some of us own 503(c)s. Some of us pastor. Some of us are missionaries. Some of us are counselors. Some of us are podcasters, bloggers, or content creators. Some of us are fighting for the rights of the underserved. Some of us are involved in major decisions in government and corporate entities and often get overlooked. And the list goes on. 

I wanted to give those who are giving to others and rarely get recognized or even receive a thank you to give them their flowers today! They are so deserving as they allow themselves to be open to God's righteousness to be righteous to others. They say the things we would only say in private or too afraid to say at all. Thank goodness for the meek! Let's honor our favorite meek person everyday!

God Is Love T-shirts are now available on the website. I've designed them. Go check them out and tell me what you like them or not!

















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