Stay E.P.I.C.! Stay You! Forgiveness, Imperfection, and Blessed Hoodie Fashion!

Stay E.P.I.C.! Stay You! Forgiveness, Imperfection, and Blessed Hoodie Fashion!

Hey beautiful people! Forgiveness is a gift! It is a selfless act for the one who is hurting to take care of themselves by letting go. Why let go? So, the hurt does not continue, does not delay or stunt spiritual and emotional growth, and prevent our promotion into the individuals we are to become. It is a gift because the gifts are peace, joy, and love for ourselves and being open to future loving friendships, relationships, and life. God does not want us hurting and it is not for the other person who hurts you or others. If it is decided to try to heal the friendship/relationship, and there is a future for healthy interactions, please move forward with this decision. However, if the individual continues to hurt and not wanting to change, a decision has to be made on whether continuing the interaction is worth forsaking peace and joy in one's life. Sometimes, we have to love people from a far, and that is ok too!

In all these interactions just remember, we are all human and none of us are perfect! Only one Spirit Being who is the Most High and a Father to all of us is Perfect in all His Ways and the only One deserving to Judge and Convict each and every one of us. That is God Almighty Himself! Once we let go of our posturing, believing we are better than others, and having the right to judge, we will have a much more fulfilling life and one less thing to be concerned with as it is too much work to be concerned with the ongoings of others! Have compassion, pray, and always, to the best of our abilities, try to share an encouraging word. Trust me, God got it handled and He judges the heart, not the exterior!

I discuss these topics and more on my podcast, Spiritual Walk and Talk with Tina Green, a Bible-, Christian-, and Faith-based podcast. If you need to hear a good word, please come visit on Apple or Podbean. And... also...check out this Blessed Hoodie! Soft, comfy, and great for this cold weather, to wear to the gym, or just to lounge in. In all sizes and most colors, is now available on! Check out more in the video below! Stay E.P.I.C. and Stay You!




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