Stay E.P.I.C. Stay You! Forgiveness and Double-Take Leopard!

Stay E.P.I.C. Stay You! Forgiveness and Double-Take Leopard!

Hello beautiful people!

Welcome to our last blog post of the year! I hope you all had a relaxing, peaceful and joyful holiday season! 

I want to talk to you a little bit about forgiveness. It is truly a gift and not for the other person. Do heal from the hurt others have caused you and you may have caused other people. Healing does take time by connecting to the Heavenly Father through prayer and reading God's Word. Be open to the Holy Spirit and all the fruits the Spirit bring to your life. Holding onto hurt stunts spiritual growth and prevents you from going on in life. Please be open to forgive and be joyful in your life and to others! 

I speak more on forgiveness on my new podcast for which you can listen on Podbean and Apple Podcasts. I will provide the links to these below. Meanwhile...check out this new Double-Take Leopard Sweatshirt top! Super comfy, fashionable, and goes well with leggings, sweatpants, jeans, capris...whatever makes you feel comfortable!

I wish you all a happy, healthy, and safe New Year! God willing, I will see you next year!

Spiritual Walk and Talk Podcast (Podbean):

Spiritual Walk and Talk Podcast (Apple Podcast):




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